Goods that feature edition LE 72*

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Madame Alexander - Cissette on the High Wire (MADC Premiere, Banquet Centerpiece) - edition: LE 72 - season: 2015

Madame Alexander - Little Lady Bird (MADCC (Dallas) Welcome Breakfast Centerpeace) - edition: LE 72 - season: 2015

Madame Alexander - Mummer Parade (MADCC Philadelphia (companion doll)) - edition: LE 72 - season: 2014

Madame Alexander - High Society Tracy Samantha Lord (MADCC (Philadelphia) Banquet Centerpiece) - edition: LE 72 - season: 2014

Madame Alexander - Red Carpet Cissette (MADC Premiere Collection Centerpiece) - edition: LE 72 - season: 2013

Vogue Dolls - Ginny - Dorothy (Meyer's Dolls, Toys & Hobbies) - edition: LE 72 - season: 2002